Thanks Ana for this one:

Ron*thinks*:It can't be...No...Have she just farted?
Hermione*thinks*:If I act serious maybe he won't notice.
Thanks to the cool person who E-mailed me these 2:

Rupert: How come I didn't get to take a picture with Emma? (thinking) Daniel: I think Rupert has a problem... But anyway, I'm still gonna smile because I remember Rupert last week that he's making fun of himself. I think he likes Emma too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he's sad because he didn't get to take a picture with Emma... Oh well... Emma: Well, Rupert I have a question but don't get mad ok? Rupert: Ok what is it? Emma: Um, why you didn't even look or smile while we are taking the picture? Rupert: Because um..... um..... Daniel: Because you have a problem don't you and I think someone is sad because................ Emma: Dan, please.................................. Daniel: (to Emma) What's the matter with you Em? I'm just playing with him... Rupert: Because I didn't get to take a picture with Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why I'm sad! Sad, sad, sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daniel: That's what I'm thinking! I'm right... Emma: Oh Rupert... Do you like me? Daniel: Yeah he does Emma... he likes you!!! Emma: That is so sweet... I like you too! Rupert: Really??? Daniel: I'm outta here.... Rupert and Emma: You wanna go out with me? Yeah I do because I like you!!!

Rupert: Hey Emma, wait for me. Emma: Hi nice to meet you! Rupert (thinking): I think she heard me but, she is interested with that people! Oh god I just wish that... Uhh, never mind!!! Emma: Come on Rupert, they want to meet you! Go here and sit with them... Rupert: But Em, I... I.... can't umm... umm... s-i-t with them. Cause I ah... ah.... umm.... Emma: What? Just tell me. Hurry up they are waiting! Rupert: Cause I just want to tell you this... I was wondering if you, you umm... umm... (thinking) why I can't tell her??? Emma: What's wrong with you today? Your always shy when I'm talking to you... Why? Rupert: Ok um can we go to a commercial first? i just need to talk to Emma. People: Sure why not? We'll be back! Rupert: Ok thanks. Emma, follow me outside please. We need to talk... Emma: Ok excuse us. (Outside) Rupert: Ok so Em, I really need to tell you this since we are filming the first movie. Emma: Ok what do you want to tell me? Rupert: 1st of all, I developed a crush on you... Emma: What??? Rupert: No wait, I need to talk first. Ok? Emma: Ok... Sure why not? Rupert: Then I told Dan about this too. He said that I have to tell you the truth. I like you Em, more than a friend. Emma: Really? Why you didn't tell me? Rupert: What do you mean? Emma: Because I like you more than a... Rupert: More than a friend??? Emma: Yes... Rupert: I'm so happy! She feel the same as me!!! (He gave Emma a big hug and gave a her a kiss.) Emma: I love you Rupert! Rupert: I love you too, Em..

Ron : Okay,so that's a deal.You won't get any more closer with that Viktor Krum!
Hermione : Yeah,I won't. You too,you won't take any more closer look to Padma Patil!
Harry : (thinking,smiling) Oh,boy.Those two people are really tiring..hehehe.They are so sweet :)

Ron : (thinking) God..I wonder if she knew,how I feel about her.I've been keeping this secret for year already..
Hermione : (thinking) Oh dear,I can't believe I'm this close to Ron!Wonder if he knew about my fee- lings for him?
Ron : (still thinking) Oh well...time will tell me,when will she know about my feelings.I hope she just feels the same way..
Hermione : (thinking too) Hope the second year will be better..and I won't have a fight anymore with him.
THANKS FOR THIS ONE EMMA:...the creator of this pic has asked me to say: please don't take any copies of this pic...thanks

Carolina R.: So what's the announcement that you want to make? Rupert: Should I tell her. Emma: We should. Rupert/Emma: We're getting marry!!!
Thanks "Sean Lover" for these:

Ron: Hermione, what are you doing? Hermione: I'm having a staring contest with Malfoy. Ron: Why? Malfoy: If I win, I get to go out with her. And if it's her, I'll stop calling her a filthy mudblood. Hermione: What?! I never agreed to the first part. *Hermione blinks* Malfoy: haha. I win you have to go out with me. Ron: Piss off, Malfoy. If she said, she didn't agree to that she didn't agree to it. Malfoy: What up with you, Weasley? You have a crush on Granger? Ron: Well... *Ron turns red.* Ron: I do. Hermione: Really? I have a crush on you. Ron: Really? Hermione: Yeah. Malfoy: Oh forget about the date, you can go out with this filthy Mublood, Weasley. She's all yours. Ron (to Hermione): Yay! I get to go out with you! Hermione: And I don't have to go out with Malfoy.

*At the promotional photo shooting* Photographer: Okay Rupert, Emma you're next. Rupert: I have to take a picture with her? Emma: What's wrong with taking a picture with me? Rupert: Uhh... Emma (noticing Rupert's lips): Are you wearing lipstick? Rupert: No, why? Emma: They're pink. Rupert: They're always pink. Emma: Yeah I know but they're pinker than usual. Gemma Padley: Did anyone see where my pink lipstick went? Rupert: Uh oh. Hurry let's take the picture. Emma: What the...? Photographer: Okay smile. *takes the picture* Rupert: Here Gemma. I found your lipstick. It was on the table over there. Gemma: Are you wearing it? Rupert: Dan and Tom made me. Because I lost a bet. *Emma, Daniel, and Tom laugh histarically.* Emma (to Dan and Tom): You really made him wear that? Tom: Yeah. We asked him to wear Sean's kilt instead but he said he'll only go as far as wearing Gemma's lipstick. Emma: What was the bet? Rupert: I either had to hit you on the head or wear this. Emma: Well the color of the lipstick matches your eyes. Rupert: Uh...thanks. *Emma kisses him on the cheek.*
Thanks to the 2"Emma's" for all of these......