By popular Demand..another page dedicated to your brilliant captions of what conversation might be taking place between the Hp characters or cast..
* To those who E-mail and ask...these captions are all made up , it's all just a bit of fun! E-mail me your pictures and captions...
Thanks Sara for this...
walkin out onto the oprah show, whats this look like...ARE EMMA AND RUPERT HOLDING HANDS GRINNING??
RUPERT: ok emma u ready to tell the world how we feel?
EMMA: i think so, i mean people are bound to finally notice something because we're holding hands.
appluase and gasps from people at the sight of the 2 holding hands
emma and rupert are greeted by oprah and dan as they smile out to the audience
thanks Bridget for these 2...
Rupert:*thinks* why oh why do i have to be stck with Emma?!The olsen twins yeah o.k maybe,Pam Anderson yeah,J.Lo yup ofcores! But Emma? she is sooo annoying...
Emma;"*thinks* I'm so lucky to end up with Rupert i love him! i hope he loves me too!"
Rupert: Emma...... could you stop trying to feel my butt?
Emma:sorry i thought that was mine...
Harry:Ewe is that a picture of Draco naked? Hermione:I think i'm going to be sick!!!!!! Ron:He looks like a girl! Harry:ewew!
big thanks to Margaret for this one...
Harry: Ron I'm so happy you and Hermione are finally together!!!! Finally!!! YES YES YES! Ron: Thanks Harry! seem really happy...heh..heh...Harry you're hurting me. Harry: Sorry it's just that it's taken so long, and it's been so agonizing for me!! Hermione: You guys are so cute......
Thanks Anggiet for this...:)
Ron : Okay,so that's a deal.You won't get any more closer with that Viktor Krum!
Hermione : Yeah,I won't. You too,you won't take any more closer look to Padma Patil!
Harry : (thinking,smiling) Oh,boy.Those two people are really tiring..hehehe.They are so sweet :)
Thanks to Alessandra for this great caption..
Rupert: Wow, what a butt, Emma!
Emma: Stop doing that, people all around the world are gonna see this picture and they will know about our little secret.
Rupert: Donīt worry, People think we are just good friendsA HUUUUGE thanks to JEANELLE who has sent in ALL of the captions below. :)
Emma: (thinks) I think something bit me on my leg... Ouch!!! Rupert: (whisper) Hey Emma! Emma: How did you get here and what are you doing??? Rupert: Well, I need to tell you this... Do you want to go to the bottom of the table? We'll talk about something... Emma: No I cant go there... Rupert: Why? Emma: Cause they will know that you and me are you know... Rupert: Oh yeah... Boyfriends and Girlfriends... Emma: You got it! Announcer: Ok so Daniel, tell Rupert that Im gonna talk to him roght now. Daniel: Ok... But, wait! He's not here! Emma: Rupert, go back to your seat right now! They are trying to find you... Rupert: Ok... (When Rupert is going back to his seat) Announcer: Dont worry about it. Daniel... Rupert is already here... Daniel: Ok... Rupert, where have you been? Rupert: Oh to the restroom. (he looks at Emma and they both smiled)
 Announcer: So Emma, what do you like about the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Emma: Well, all I like about is when I turned to a cat and they made a model of me that I've been got petrified. Daniel: I thought that she's gonna say about me and her when we hug... Rupert: Hey, Dan... I heard what you said!!! Daniel: Well Im just kidding! Rupert: Oh ok good... Daniel: Your jealous arent you? Rupert: No why? Daniel: Because I knew that you like her... Emma: Well one more... to say... hmmmm.................. Rupert: I wonder what shes gonna say... Emma: It was cool when I went handshake with Rupert... Rupert: Yey!!! I like you Emma!!!
 Emma: What? You want to kiss me??? No way!!! Besides, your gonna kiss me infront of other people? No no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rupert: (whisper) Please Emma!!! I really like you!!! Emma: Well, if you like me, you don't have to kiss me infront of others! Caroline Rhea: Well well well... Just go on Emma... Besides you like him too, don't you? Emma: Well, you know that I do like him... But... Caroline Rhea: Just go outside and do it... You could do it Emma. I know you can!!! Emma: Ok thanks a lot! Caroline Rhea: No problem, Emma!!! Rupert: So what happens now? Emma: Let's go outside... Rupert: Ok. ( Then they went outside and they kissed)
Hermione: I'm glad that your ok, Ron... So how are you? Ron: I'm fine... How are you? Hermione: Fine... But I missed you! Ron: I missed you too, Hermione!!!
Ron: Wow, I didn't notice that Hermione looks more beautiful with a short skirt like this... Hermione: Ron, what did you say? Ron: Oh nothing... I said that we better hurry up so Snape wouldn't notice that were here. Hermione: Oh ok... Let's go Harry! Before someone see us! Harry: Ok...
Prof. McGonagall: Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley what are you doing up there? Hermione: Umm, professor, we were just... Ron: Yeah, we were just talking about our exam. Hermione: Yeah we were... Prof: McGonagall: Stop lying you two! 10 points is gonna loose from Gryffindor! I heard that you are talking about love isn't it? Ron and Hermione: Because we like each other!!!
Shakira: I think Rupert is cute! I love his smile... Rupert: Hi Shakira, you look preety! Shakira: Thanks, Rupert... (blushes) You look good today! Rupert: Thanks... Emma: (thinks) Shakira and Rupert, no way!!! Rupert is just mine! They keep talking to each other! What am I going to do? Rupert: Come'on Em, you wanna talk about something? Emma: Ok (whisper to herself) I thought that Shakira is gonna be here. Rupert: What? Emma: Oh nothing... Lets go! Emma and Rupert: You look good today, my love!
 Hermione: Prof. Snape, have you seen my Potions Book in here? Because someone threw it!!! Prof. Snape: I'm sorry Ms. Granger I didn't see your book. Well do you know who threw it? If you know it, I'm gonna send him/her on detention. Hermione: Ok thanks a lot, Professor. Yeah I know who threw it, but I don't want to tell you. Prof. Snape: Ok it's up to you Ms. Granger ok I have to go.
Ron: I'm sorry Hermione I accidently threw your book. Hermione: Ok I know it was an accident... But could you do me a favor? Ron: Of course Hermione, I can! Hermione: Go find my Potions Book now!!! Ron: But Hermione, Hermione: No but!!! You said yes so go now!!! Ron: (walking) It's ok... I'm gonna do anything for her... Hermione: (scream to Ron) Thanks Ron!!! Ron: Anytime...
 Ron: That girl is so beautiful... Hermione: That guy looks cute!!! Ron and Hermione: What did you say??? Ron: What did you just said, Hermione? Hermione:What did you just said too? Ron: Just forget about that, Hermione... You wanna fly? Hermione: Ok I'll just forget about that... Yes, Ron, I love to!!! Ron: Let's go...